Azure Virtual WAN ARM – The Resources

In this post, I will explain the types of resources used in Azure Virtual WAN and the nature of their relationships.

Note, I have not included any content on the recently announced preview of third-party NVAs. I have not seen any materials on this yet to base such a post on and, being honest, I don’t have any use-cases for third-party NVAs.

As you can see – there are quite a few resources involved … and some that you won’t see listed at all because of the “appliance-like” nature of the deployment. I have not included any detail on spokes or “branch offices”, which would require further resources. The below diagram is enough to get a hub operational and connected to on-premises locations and spoke virtual networks.

The Virtual WAN – Microsoft.Network/virtualWans

You need at least one Virtual WAN to be deployed. This is what the hub will connect to, and you can connect many hubs to a common Virtual WAN to get automated any-to-any connectivity across the Microsoft physical WAN.

Surprisingly, the resource is deployed to an Azure region and not as a global resource, such as other global resources such as Traffic Manager or Azure DNS.

The Virtual Hub – Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs

Also known as the hub, the Virtual Hub is deployed once, and once only, per Azure region where you need a hub. This hub replaces the old hub virtual network (plus gateway(s), plus firewall, plus route tables) deployment you might be used to. The hub is deployed as a hidden resource, managed through the Virtual WAN in the Azure Portal or via scripting/ARM.

The hub is associated with the Virtual WAN through a virtualWAN property that references the resource ID of the virtualWans resource.

In a previous post, I referred to a chicken & egg scenario with the virtualHubs resource. The hub has properties that point to the resource IDs of each deployed gateway:

  • vpnGateway: For site-to-site VPN.
  • expressRouteGateway: For ExpressRoute circuit connectivity.
  • p2sVpnGateway: For end-user/device tunnels.

If you choose to deploy a “Secured Virtual Hub” there will also be a property called azureFirewall that will point to the resource ID of an Azure Firewall with the AZFW_Hub SKU.

Note, the restriction of 1 hub per Azure region does introduce a bottleneck. Under the covers of the platform, there is actually a virtual network. The only clue to this network will be in the peering properties of your spoke virtual networks. A single virtual network can have, today, a maximum of 500 spokes. So that means you will have a maximum of 500 spokes per Azure region.

Routing Tables – Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubRouteTables & Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/routeTables

These are resources that are used in custom routing, a recently announced as GA feature that won’t be live until August 3rd, according to the Azure Portal. The resource control the flows of traffic in your hub and spoke architecture. They are child-resources of the virtualHubs resource so no references of hub resource IDs are required.

Azure Firewall – Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls

This is an optional resource that is deployed when you want a “Secured Virtual Hub”. Today, this is the only way to put a firewall into the hub, although a new preview program should make it possible for third-parties to join the hub. Alternatively, you can use custom routing to force north-south and east-west traffic through an NVA that is running in a spoke, although that will double peering costs.

The Azure Firewall is deployed with the AZFW_Hub SKU. The firewall is not a hidden resource. To manage the firewall, you must use an Azure Firewall Policy (aka Azure Firewall Manager). The firewall has a property called firewallPolicy that points to the resource ID of a firewallPolicies resource.

Azure Firewall Policy – Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies

This is a resource that allows you to manage an Azure Firewall, in this case, an AZFW_Hub SKU of Azure Firewall. Although not shown here, you can deploy a parent/child configuration of policies to manage firewall configurations and rules in a global/local way.

VPN Gateway – Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways

This is one of 3 ways (one, two or all three at once) that you can connect on-premises (branch) sites to the hub and your Azure deployment(s). This gateway provides you with site-to-site connectivity using VPN. The VPN Gateway uses a property called virtualHub to point at the resource ID of the associated hub or virtualHubs resource. This is a hidden resource.

Note that the virtualHubs resource must also point at the resource ID of the VPN gateway resource ID using a property called vpnGateway.

ExpressRoute Gateway – Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways

This is one of 3 ways (one, two or all three at once) that you can connect on-premises (branch) sites to the hub and your Azure deployment(s). This gateway provides you with site-to-site connectivity using ExpressRoute. The ExpressRoute Gateway uses a property called virtualHub to point at the resource ID of the associated hub or virtualHubs resource. This is a hidden resource.

Note that the virtualHubs resource must also point at the resource ID of the ExpressRoute gateway resource ID using a property called p2sGateway.

Point-to-Site Gateway – Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways

This is one of 3 ways (one, two or all three at once) that you can connect on-premises (branch) sites to the hub and your Azure deployment(s). This gateway provides users/devices with connectivity using VPN tunnels. The Point-to-Site Gateway uses a property called virtualHub to point at the resource ID of the associated hub or virtualHubs resource. This is a hidden resource.

The Point-to-Site Gateway inherits a VPN configuration from a VPN configuration resource based on Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations, referring to the configuration resource by its resource ID using a property called vpnServerConfiguration.

Note that the virtualHubs resource must also point at the resource ID of the Point-to-Site gateway resource ID using a property called p2sVpnGateway.

VPN Server Configuration – Microsoft.Network/vpnServerConfigurations

This configuration for Point-to-Site VPN gateways can be seen in the Azure WAN and is intended as a shared configuration that is reusable with more than one Point-to-Site VPN Gateway. To be honest, I can see myself using it as a per-region configuration because of some values like DNS servers and RADIUS servers that will probably be placed per-region for performance and resilience reasons. This is a hidden resource.

The following resources were added on 22nd July 2020:

VPN Sites – Microsoft.Network/vpnSites

This resource has a similar purpose to a Local Network Gateway for site-to-site VPN connections; it describes the on-premises location, AKA “branch office”.  A VPN site can be associated with one or many hubs, so it is actually connected to the Virtual WAN resource ID using a property called virtualWan. This is a hidden resource.

An array property called vpnSiteLinks describes possible connections to on-premises firewall devices.

VPN Connections – Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/vpnConnections

A VPN Connections resource associates a VPN Gateway with the on-premises location that is described by an associated VPN Site. The vpnConnections resource is a child resource of vpnGateways, so there is no actual resource; the vpnConnections resource takes its name from the parent VPN Gateway, and the resource ID is an extension of the parent VPN Gateway resource ID.

By necessity, there is some complexity with this resource type. The remoteVpnSite property links the vpnConnections resource with the resource ID of a VPN Site resource. An array property, called vpnSiteLinkConnections, is used to connect the gateway to the on-premises location using 1 or 2 connections, each linking from vpnSiteLinkConnections to the resource/property ID of 1 or 2 vpnSiteLinks properties in the VPN Site. With one site link connection, you have a single VPN tunnel to the on-premises location. With 2 link connections, the VPN Gateway will take advantage of its active/active configuration to set up resilient tunnels to the on-premises location.

Virtual Network Connections – Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs/hubVirtualNetworkConnections

The purpose of a hub is to share resources with spoke virtual networks. In the case of the Virtual Hub, those resources are gateways, and maybe a firewall in the case of Secured Virtual Hub. As with a normal VNet-based hub & spoke, VNet peering is used. However, the way that VNet peering is used changes with the Virtual Hub; the deployment is done using the hub/VirtualNetworkConnections child resource, whose parent is the Virtual Hub. Therefore, the name and resource ID are based on the name and resource ID of the Virtual Hub resource.

The deployment is rather simple; you create a Virtual Network Connection in the hub specifying the resource ID of the spoke virtual network, using a property called remoteVirtualNetwork. The underlying resource provider will initiate both sides of the peering connection on your behalf – there is no deployment required in the spoke virtual network resource. The Virtual Network Connection will reference the Hub Route Tables in the hub to configure route association and propagation.

More Resources

There are more resources that I’ve yet to document, including:

Azure Virtual WAN ARM – Secured Virtual Hub Azure Firewall

I have spent quite a few hours figuring out how to deploy Azure’s new Secured Virtual Hub, an extension of Azure Virtual WAN, deployed using ARM templates (JSON). A lot of the bits are either not documented or incorrectly documented. One of the frustrating bits to deploy was the Azure Firewall resource – and the online examples did not help.

The issue was that the 2 sources I could find did not include public IP addresses on the firewall:

  • The quick start for Secured Virtual Hub on
  • The new Enterprise-Scale “well-architected” Framework, found in Cloud Adoption Framework

Digging to solve that uncovered:

  • The examples used quite an old API version, 2019-08-01, to deploy the Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls resource.
  • There was no example of how to add a public IP address to the firewall in Secured Virtual Hub because it was not possible with that API – SVH is quite different from a VNet deployment because you do have direct access to the underlying hub virtual network.
  • Being an old API, we lose features such as SNAT for non-RFC1918 addresses (important in universities and public sector) and the newer custom & proxy DNS features.

In my digging, I did uncover that the ARM reference for the Azure Firewall was incorrect, but I did uncover a new, barely-documented property called hubIPAddresses; I knew this property was the key to solving the public IP address issue. So I thought about what was going on and how I was going to solve it.

I ended up doing what I would normally do if I did not have a quick start template to start with:

  1. Deploy the resource(s) by hand in the Azure Portal
  2. Observe the options – there was a slide control for the quantity of firewall public IP addresses
  3. Export the resulting template

And … there was the solution:

  1. There is a new, undocumented API version for the Azure Firewall resource: 2020-05-01
  2. There is a new object property called hubIPAddresses that contains an object sub-property called publicIps. You can set a string value called count to control how many public IP addresses that Azure will assign (on your behalf) to the firewall – you do not need to create the public IP address resources.
        "hubIPAddresses": {
          "publicIPs": {
            "count": "[parameters('firewallPublicIpQuantity')]",


Azure Virtual WAN Introducing A New Kind Of Route Table

In this post, I will quickly introduce you to a new kind of Route Table in Microsoft Azure that has been recently introduced by Azure Virtual WAN – and hence is included in the newly generally available Secured Virtual Hub.

The Old “Subnet” Route Table

This Route Table, which I will call “Subnet Route Table” (derived from the ARM name) is a simple resource that we associate with a subnet. It contains User-Defined Routes that force traffic to flow in desirable directions, typically when we use some kind of firewall appliance (Azure Firewall or third-party) or a third-party routing appliance. route The design is simple enough:

  • Name: A user-friendly name
  • Prefix: The CIDR you want to get to
  • Next Hop Type: What kind of “router” is the next hop, e.g. Virtual Network, Internet, or Virtual Appliance
  • Next Hop IP Address: Used when Next Hop Type is Virtual Appliance (any firewall or third-party router)

Azure Virtual WAN Hub

Microsoft introduced Azure Virtual WAN quite a while ago (by Cloud standards), but few still have heard of it, possibly because of how it was originally marketed as an SD-WAN solution compatible originally with just a few on-prem SD-WAN vendors (now a much bigger list). Today it supports IKEv1 and IKEv2 site-to-site VPN, point-to-site VPN, and ExpressRoute Standard (and higher). You might already be familiar with setting up a hub in a hub-and-spoke: you have to create the virtual network, the Route Table for inbound traffic, the firewall, etc. Azure Virtual WAN converts the hub into an appliance-like experience surfacing just two resources: the Virtual WAN (typically 1 global resource per organisation) and the hub (one per Azure region). Peering, routing, connectivity are all simplified.

A more recent change has been the Secured Virtual Hub, where Azure Firewall is a part of the Virtual WAN Hub; this was announced at Ignite and has just gone GA. Choosing the Secured Virtual Hub option adds security to the Virtual WAN Hub. Don’t worry, though, if you prefer a third-party firewall; the new routing model in Azure Virtual WAN Hub allows you to deploy your firewall into a dedicated spoke virtual network and route your isolated traffic through there.

The New Route Tables

There are two new kinds of route table added by the Virtual WAN Hub, or Virtual Hub, both of which are created in the Virtual Hub as sub-resources.

  • Virtual Wan Hub Route Table
  • Virtual WAN Route Table

Virtual WAN Hub Route Table

The Virtual Hub Hub Route Table affects traffic from the Virtual Hub to other locations.  A possible scenario is when you want to route traffic to a CIDR block of virtual network(s) through a third-party firewall (network virtual appliance/NVA):


The routing rule setup here is similar to the Subnet Route Table, specifying where you want to get to (CIDR, resource ID, or service), the next hop, and a next hop IP address.

Virtual WAN Route Table

The Virtual WAN Route Table is created as a sub resource of the Virtual Hub but it has a different purpose. The Virtual Hub is assigned to connections and affects routing from the associated branch offices or virtual networks. Whoa, Finn! There is a lot of terminology in that sentence!

A connection is just that; it is a connection between the hub and another network. Each spoke connected directly to the hub has a connection to the hub – a Virtual WAN Route Table can be associated with each connection. A Virtual WAN Route Table can be associated with 1 virtual network connection, a subset of them, or all of them.

The term “branch offices” refers to sites connected by ExpressRoute, site-to-site VPN, or point-to-site VPN. Those sites also have connections that a Virtual WAN Route Table can be associated with.

This is a much more interesting form of route table. I haven’t had time to fully get under the covers here, but comparing ARM to the UI reveals two methodologies. The Azure Portal reveals one way of visualising routing that I must admit that I find difficult to scale in my mind. The ARM resource looks much more familiar to me, but until I get into a lab and fully test (which I hope I will find some hours to do soon), I cannot completely document.

Here are the basics of what I have gleaned from the documentation, which covers the Azure Portal method:

The linked documentation is heavy reading. I’m one of those people that needs to play with this stuff before writing too much in detail – I never trust the docs and, to be honest, this content is complicated, as you can see above.