Failed to add new rule: IpSecurityRestriction.VnetSubnetResourceId is invalid.

This post is focused on a scenario where you are creating an Access Restriction rule in an Azure App Service to allow client requests from a subnet in a Virtual Network (VNET) and you get this error:

Failed to add new rule: IpSecurityRestriction.VnetSubnetResourceId is invalid. For request GET with clientRequestId xxxxxx and correlationRequestId xxxxxx, received a response with status code Forbidden, error code AuthorizationFailed, and response content: {“error”:{“code”:”AuthorizationFailed”,”message”:”The client ‘xxxxxx’ with object id ‘xxxxxx’ does not have authorization to perform action ‘Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/taggedTrafficConsumers/read’ over scope ‘/subscriptions/xxxxxx/resourceGroups/xxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/xxxxxx’ or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.”}}.

The Scenario

The customer wanted to deploy Standard Tier Azure App Services with some level of security in a hub and spoke architecture. The hub is in Subscription A. There a virtual network with an Azure Application Gateway (WAG)/Web Application Firewall(WAF) is deployed into a VNET/subnet. The WAF subnet has the Microsoft.Web Service Endpoint enabled, allowing the WAF to reverse proxy web requests via the direct path of the Service Endpoint to the App Service(s).

The App Service Plan and App Services are in Subscription B. The goal is to only allow traffic to the App Services via the WAF. All the necessary DNS/SSL stuff was done and the WAF was configured to route traffic. Now, the customer wanted to prevent requests from coming in directly to the App Service – an Access Restriction rule would be created with the Virtual Network type. However, when we tried to create that rule, it failed with the above security error.


At first, we thought there was an error with Azure Privileged Identity Management (PIM), but we soon ruled that out. The customer had Contributor rights and I had Owner rights over both subscriptions and we verified access. While doing a Teams screen share the customer read an article about Azure Key Vault with a similar error that indicated an issue with Resource Providers. We both had the same idea at the same time.


In the WAF subscription, enable the Microsoft.Web resource provider. This will allow the App Service to “configure” the integration with the subnet from its own subscription and solves the security issue.