Azure Firewall DevSecOps in Azure DevOps

In this post, I will share the details for granting the least-privilege permissions to GitHub action/DevOps pipeline service principals for a DevSecOps continuous deployment of Azure Firewall.

Quick Refresh

I wrote about the design of the solution and shared the code in my post, Enabling DevSecOps with Azure Firewall. There I explained how you could break out the code for the rules of a workload and manage that code in the repo for the workload. Realistically, you would also need to break out the gateway subnet route table user-defined route (legacy VNet-based hub) and the VNet peering connection. All the code for this is shared on GitHub – I did update the repo with some structure and with working DevOps pipelines.

This Update

There were two things I wanted to add to the design:

  • Detailed permissions for the service principal used by the workload DevOps pipeline, limiting the scope of change that is possible in the hub.
  • DevOps pipelines so I could test the above.

The Code

You’ll find 3 folders in the Bicep code now:

  • hub: This deploys a (legacy) VNet-based hub with Azure Firewall.
  • customRoles: 4 Azure custom roles are defined. This should be deployed after the hub.
  • spoke1: This contains the code to deploy a skeleton VNet-based (spoke) workload with updates that are required in the hub to connect the VNet and route ingress on-prem traffic through the firewall.

DevOps Pipelines

The hub and spoke1 folders each contain a folder called .pipelines. There you will find a .yml file to create a DevOps pipeline.

The DevOps pipeline uses Azure CLI tasks to:

  • Select the correct Azure subscription & create the resource group
  • Deploy each .bicep file.

My design uses 1 sub for the hub and 1 sub for the workload. You are not glued to this bu you would need to make modifications to how you configure the service principal permissions (below).

To use the code:

  1. Create a repo in DevOps for (1 repo) hub and for (1 repo) spoke1 and copy in the required code.
  2. Create service principals in Azure AD.
  3. Grant the service principal for hub owner rights to the hub subscription.
  4. Grant the service principal for the spoke owner rights to the spoke subscription.
  5. Create ARM service connections in DevOps settings that use the service principals. Note that the names for these service connections are referred to by azureServiceConnection in the pipeline files.
  6. Update the variables in the pipeline files with subscription IDs.
  7. Create the pipelines using the .yml files in the repos.

Don’t do anything just yet!

Service Principal Permissions

The hub service principal is simple – grant it owner rights to the hub subscription (or resource group).

The workload is where the magic happens with this DevSecOps design. The workload updates the hub suing code in the workload repo that affects the workload:

  • Ingress route from on-prem to the workload in the hub GatewaySubnet.
  • The firewall rules for the workload in the hub Azure Firewall (policy) using a rules collection group.
  • The VNet peering connection between the hub VNet and the workload VNet.

That could be deployed by the workload DevOps pipeline that is authenticated using the workload’s service principal. So that means the workload service principal must have rights over the hub.

The quick solution would be to grant contributor rights over the hub and say “we’ll manage what is done through code reviews”. However, a better practice is to limit what can be done as much as possible. That’s what I have done with the customRoles folder in my GitHub share.

Those custom roles should be modified to change the possible scope to the subscription ID (or even the resource group ID) of the hub deployment. There are 4 custom roles:

  • customRole-ArmValidateActionOperator.json: Adds the CUSTOM – ARM Deployment Operator role, allowing the ARM deployment to be monitored and updated.
  • customRole-PeeringAdmin.json: Adds the CUSTOM – Virtual Network Peering Administrator role, allowing a VNet peering connection to be created from the hub VNet.
  • customRole-RoutesAdmin.json: Adds the CUSTOM – Azure Route Table Routes Administrator role, allowing a route to be added to the GatewaySubnet route table.
  • customRole-RuleCollectionGroupsAdmin.json: Adds the CUSTOM – Azure Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Administrator role, allowing a rules collection group to be added to an Azure Firewall Policy.

Deploy The Hub

The hub is deployed first – this is required to grant the permissions that are required by the workload’s service principal.

Grant Rights To Workload Service Principals

The service principals for all workloads will be added to an Azure AD group (Workloads Pipeline Service Principals in the above diagram). That group is nested into 4 other AAD security groups:

  • Resource Group ARM Operations: This is granted the CUSTOM – ARM Deployment Operator role on the hub resource group.
  • Hub Firewall Policy: This is granted the CUSTOM – Azure Firewall Policy Rule Collection Group Administrator role on the Azure Firewalll Policy that is associated with the hub Azure Firewall.
  • Hub Routes: This is granted the CUSTOM – Azure Route Table Routes Administrator role on the GattewaySubnet route table.
  • Hub Peering: This is granted the CUSTOM – Virtual Network Peering Administrator role on the hub virtual network.

Deploy The Workload

The workload now has the required permissions to deploy the workload and make modifications in the hub to connect the hub to the outside world.

Enabling DevSecOps with Azure Firewall

In this post, I will share how you can implement DevSecOps with Azure Firewall, with links to a bunch of working Bicep files to deploy the infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates.

This example uses a “legacy” hub and spoke – one where the hub is VNet-based and not based on Azure Virtual WAN Hub. I’ll try to find some time to work on the code for that one.

The Concept

Hold on, because there’s a bunch of things to understand!


The DevSecOps methodology is more than just IaC. It’s a combination of people, processes, and technology to enable a fail-fast agile delivery of workloads/applications to the business. I discussed here how DevSecOps can be used to remove the friction of IT to deliver on the promises of the Cloud.

The Azure features that this design is based on are discussed in concept here. The idea is that we want to enable Devs/Ops/Security to manage firewall rules in the workload’s Git repository (repo). This breaks the traditional model where the rules are located in a central location. The important thing is not the location of the rules, but the processes that manage the rules (change control through Git repo pull request reviews) and who (the reviewers, including the architects, firewall admins, security admins, etc).

So what we are doing is taking the firewall rules for the workload and placing them in with the workload’s code. NSG rules are probably already there. Now, we’re putting the Azure Firewall rules for the workload in the workload repo too. This is all made possible thanks to changes that were made to Azure Firewall Policy (Azure Firewall Manager) Rules Collection Groups – I use one Rules Collection Group for each workload and all the rules that enable that workload are placed in that Rules Collection Group. No changes will make it to the trunk branch (deployment action/pipelines look for changes here to trigger a deployment) without approval by all the necessary parties – this means that the firewall admins are still in control, but they don’t necessarily need to write the rules themselves … and the devs/operators might even write the rules, subject to review!

This is the killer reason to choose Azure Firewall over NVAs – the ability to not only deploy the firewall resource, but to manage the entire configuration and rule sets as code, and to break that all out in a controlled way to make the enterprise more agile.

Other Bits

If you’ve read my posts on Azure routing (How to Troubleshoot Azure Routing? and BGP with Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks & Firewalls) then you’ll understand that there’s more going on than just firewall rules. Packets won’t magically flow through your firewall just because it’s in the middle of your diagram!

The spoke or workload will also need to deploy:

  • A peering connection to the hub, enabling connectivity with the hub and the firewall. All traffic leaving the spoke will route through the firewall thanks to a user-defined route in the spoke subnet route table. Peering is a two-way connection. The workload will include some bicep to deploy the spoke-hub and the hub-spoke connections.
  • A route for the GatewaySubnet route table in the hub. This is required to route traffic to the spoke address prefix(es) through the Azure Firewall so on-premises>spoke traffic is correctly inspected and filtered by the firewall.

The IaC

In this section, I’ll explain the code layout and placement.

My Code

You can find my public repo, containing all the Bicep code here. Please feel free to download and use.

The Git Repo Design

You will have two Git repos:

  1. The first repo is for the hub. This repo will contain the code for the hub, including:
    • The hub VNet.
    • The Hub VNet Gateway.
    • The GatewaySubnet Route Table.
    • The Azure Firewall.
    • The Azure Firewall Policy that manages the Azure Firewall.
  2. The second repo is for the spoke. This skeleton example workload contains:

Action/Pipeline Permissions

I have written a more detailed update on this section, which can be found here

Each Git repo needs to authenticate with Azure to deploy/modify resources. Each repo should have a service principal in Azure AD. That service principal will be used to authenticate the deployment, executed by a GitHub action or a DevOps pipeline. You should restrict what rights the service principal will require. I haven’t worked out the exact minimum permissions, but the high-level requirements are documented below:


Trunk Branch Protection &  Pull Request

Some of you might be worried now – what’s to stop a developer/operator working on Workload A from accidentally creating rules that affect Workload X?

This is exactly why you implement standard practices on the Git repos:

  • Protect the Trunk branch: This means that no one can just update the version of the code that is deployed to your firewall or hub. If you want to create an updated, you have to create a branch of the trunk, make your edits in that trunk, and submit the changes to be merged into trunk as a pull request.
  • Enable pull request reviews: Select a panel of people that will review changes that are submitted as pull requests to the trunk. In our scenario, this should include the firewall admin(s), security admin(s), network admin(s), and maybe the platform & workload architects.

Now, I can only submit a suggested set of rules (and route/peering) changes that must be approved by the necessary people. I can still create my code without delay, but a change control and rollback process has taken control. Obviously, this means that there should be SLAs on the review/approval process and guidance on pull request, approval, and rejection actions.

And There You Have It

Now you have the design and the Bicep code to enable DevSecOps with Azure Firewall.

DevSecOps Resolving IT Friction In The Cloud

In this post, I’m going to discuss how to solve an age-old problem that still hurts us in The Cloud with DevSecOps: the on-going friction between devs and ops and how the adoption of the cloud is making this worse.

Us Versus Them

Let me say this first: when I worked as a sys admin, I was a “b*st*rd operator from hell”. I locked things down as tight as I could for security and to control supportability. And as you can imagine, I had lots of fans in the development teams – not!

Ops and devs have traditionally disliked each other. Ops build the servers perfectly. Devs write awesome code. But when something goes wrong:

  • Their servers are too slow
  • Their architecture/code is rubbish

Along Came a Cloud

The cloud was meant to change things. And in some ways, it did. In the early days, when AWS was “the cloud”, devs got a credit card from somewhere and started building. The rush of freedom and bottomless resources oxygenated their creativity and they build and deployed like they were locked in a Lego shop for the weekend.

Eventually, the sober-minded Ops, Security, and Compliance folks observed what was happening and decided to pull the reigns back. A “landing zone” was built in The Cloud (now Azure and others are in play) and governance was put in place.

What was delivered in that landing zone? A representation of the on-premises data center that the devs were trying to escape from. Now they are told to work in this locked-down environment and the devs are suddenly slowed down and restricted. Change control, support tickets, and a default answer from Ops of “no” means that agility and innovation die.

But here’s the thing – the technology was a restricting factor when working on-premises: physical hardware means and 100% IaaS means that Ops need to deliver every part of the platform. In the cloud, technology wasn’t the cause of the issue. The Cloud started with self-service, all-you-can-eat capacity, and agility. And then traditional lockdowns were put in place.

Business Dissatisfaction

A good salesperson might have said that there can be cost optimisations but cost savings should not be a primary motivation to go with the cloud. Real rewards come from agility, which leads to innovation. The ability to build fast, see if it works, develop it if it does, dump it if it doesn’t, and not commit huge budgets to failed efforts is huge to a business. When Ops locks down The Cloud, some of the best features of The Cloud are lost. And then the business is unhappy – there were costly migration projects, actual IT spend might have increased, and they didn’t get what they wanted – IT failed again.

By the way, this is something we (me and my colleagues at work) have started to see as a trend with mid-large organisations that have made the move to Azure. The technology isn’t failing them – people and processes are.

People & Processes

Technology has a role to play but we can probably guesstimate that it’s about 20% of the solution. People and processes must evolve to use The Cloud effectively. But those things are overlooked.

Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) recognises this – the first half of the CAF is all about the soft side of things:

The CAF starts out by analysing the business wants from The Cloud. You cannot shape anything IT-wise without instruction from above. What does the business want? Do you know who you should not ask? The IT Manager – they want what IT wants. To complete the strategy definition, you need to get to the owners/C-level folks in the business – getting time with them is hard! Once you have a vision from the business you can start looking at how to organise the people and set up the processes.

Organisational Failure

Think about the structure of IT. There is an Ops team/department with a lead. That group of people has pillars of expertise in a mid-large organisation:

  • The Windows team
  • Linux
  • Networking
  • SAN
  • And so on

Even those people don’t work well in collaboration. There is also a Dev department that is made up of many teams (workloads) that may even have their own pillars of expertise – some/many of those are externals. There is no alignment or collaboration between all the parties involved in building, running, and continuously improving a workload.


DevOps is a methodology that brings Ops and Devs together in actual or virtual teams for each workload. For example, let’s say that a workload requires the following skills from many teams/departments:

  • .NET developers
  • Application architect
  • Infrastructure architect
  • Azure operators

That might be skills from 4 teams. But in DevSecOps, the workload defines a virtual or actual team of people that will work on that application and its underlying infrastructure together. The application and infrastructure architects will design together. The devs and ops skills will work together to produce the code that will create the underlying platform (PaaS and/or IaaS) that will be continuously developed/improved/deployed using GitHub/DevOps actions/pipelines.

Agile methodologies will be brought into plan:

  • Work through epics, user stories, features and tasks (backlog)
  • That are scheduled to sprints (kanban board)
  • And are assigned to/pulled by members of the DevOps team (resource planning)

What has been accomplished? Now a team works together. They have a single vision through a united team. They share a plan and communicate through daily standup meetings and modern tooling such as Teams. By working as one, they can produce code fast. And that means they can fail fast:

  • Produce a minimally viable product
  • Test if it works
  • If it does, improve on it in sprints
  • If it doesn’t, tear it down quickly with minimal money lost


In The Cloud, modern workloads are presented to clients over the Internet using TLS. The edge means that there is a security role. And in a good design, micro-segmentation is required, which means an expanded security role. And considering the nature of threats today, the security role should have some developer skills to analyse code and runtimes for security vulnerabilities.

If we don’t change how the security role is done then it can undo everything that DevOps accomplishes – all of a sudden a default “no” appears, halting all the progress towards agility and innovation.

DevSecOps adds the security role to DevOps. Now security personnel is a part of the workload’s team. They will be a part of the design process. They will be the ones that either implement in code and/or review firewall rules in the pull request. Elements of security are moved from a central location out to the repos for the workloads – the result is that the what and who don’t change; all that changes is the where.


Introducing the sort of changes that DevSecOps will require is not going to be easy or quick. We can do the tech pieces in Azure pretty easily, actually, but the people might resist and the processes won’t exist in the organising. Introducing change will be hard and it will be resisted. That’s why the process must be lead from the C-level.

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