I’m Presenting Two Sessions At NIC 20/20 Vision in Oslo

I will be presenting two Azure sessions at the (NICCONF) NIC 20/20 Vision conference in Oslo on February 6th.

The content I’m presenting on is inspired by the work I have been doing with Innofactor Norway for customers in Norway. So it will be kind of cool to stand (once again) on a stage in Oslo and share what I’ve learned. I have two sessions on the afternoon of the 6th.

Secure Azure Network Architecture

Azure networking & security has become my focus area. I enjoy the organic nature of how Azure’s software-defined networking functions. I enjoy the scale, the possibilities, and the variety of options. And most of all, I appreciate how the near-universally overlooked fundamentals play a bigger role in network security than people realise. It’s a huge area to cover, but I will do my best in the hour that I have:

This session will walk you through the components of Azure network security, and how to architect a secure network for Azure virtual machines or platform services, including VNets, network security groups, routing tables, VNet peering, web application gateway, DDoS protection, and firewall appliances.

Auditing Azure – Compliance, Oversight, Governance, and Protection

An important part of governance is recording what is going on in Azure and being able to retain, query, and report on that data. This is an area I had a cool solution for this time last year, but Microsoft blew that up. Recently I revisited this space and found cool new things that I could do. And in preparing for this session, I found more stuff that I could talk about. I’ve enjoyed preparing this session and it has contributed back to my work. This session is late in the day for most Norwegians, but I hope that attendees stick around.

Auditing isn’t the most glamorous subject, but in a self-service environment, it becomes important to protect assets, the company, and even your job. In this session, you’ll learn how Azure provides auditing functionality that you can query, report on, and store securely for as long as you need it in cost-efficient ways.

Hopefully, I will see some of you there at the event!