Azure: PowerShell versus ARM Templates

In this post, I’m going to make the PowerShell acolytes angry (not hard) by explaining why they are too slow, and ARM/JSON is they best way to deploy things in Azure.

The PowerShell Experience

Let’s imagine that you & your significant other go into a restaurant, and let’s say you order a steak and your other wants to order something else. How does the ordering process go? Is it something like this .. let’s start with your order:

  • Customer: Waiter!
  • <Wait 1 minute>
  • Waiter: What would you like sir?
  • Customer: Could you ask the chef to go to the fridge?
  • <Wait while the chef is asked to go to the fridge>
  • Waiter: Yes?
  • Customer: Would you ask the chef to open the fridge?
  • <Wait while the chef opens the fridge>
  • Waiter: Yes?
  • Customer: Would you ask the chef to take a steak out of the fridge?
  • <Wait while the chef takes a steak out of fridge>
  • Waiter: Yes?
  • Customer: Please ask the check to put a pan on the cooker.
  • <Wait while the chef puts a pan on the cooker>
  • Waiter: Yes?

You see what’s going on here? Meanwhile your significant other is getting no love from the restaurant. Ouch!

With PowerShell you describe the deployment process, one step at a time, connecting each and every dot. The deployment is serialized, with no parallelism unless you use PowerShell features to run parallel jobs. The result isn’t much faster than you doing all the clicking for yourself.

The ARM Experience

I like to describe the ARM as a waiter, and the Azure resource providers as the kitchen cooks. How does the order go?

  • Customer: Waiter, I would like a Salmon dish for my wife and steak for myself.
  • Waiter: Yes, sir, in the meantime, would you like a drink?

That’s a bit better, right?

ARM or JSON templates describe the result, not the process. Once you submit the deployment, ARM divides up the job and orders the deployment based on your dependencies. That means that the deployment can be parallelized. If I need 100 web servers, all 100 will be deployed at once, not in some 1..100 loop, one at a time (or 5 at a time if you are clever).

Best of Both Worlds

For some of the training that I do at work, I deploy the training lab in Azure as follows:

  • A PowerShell script that asks me how many attendees there are, and then it runs a glorified 2 line loop.
  • The loop iterates through different subscriptions, adding a resource group and then doing an ARM deployment.

In other words, PowerShell automates my very fast ARM deployments.

PowerShell Still Required

PowerShell is still very useful for some fiddly deployment things that don’t have ARM options, or are once-offs and don’t have a GUI option. To be honest, I do use GUI for most of my once-offs because it is convenient and gets the end result faster than researching/tweaking/fixing PowerShell examples. When it comes to learning about settings and troubleshooting, PowerShell can be pretty awesome.

But PowerShell is much slower than ARM for deployments. Now let’s hear the screams of outraged PowerShellers!

Was This Post Interesting?

If you found this information useful, then imagine what 2 days of training might mean to you. I’m delivering a 2-day course in Amsterdam on April 19-20, teaching newbies and experienced Azure admins about Azure Infrastructure. There’ll be lots of in-depth information, covering the foundations, best practices, troubleshooting, and advanced configurations. You can learn more here.

Adding Azure Monitor Performance Alerts Using PowerShell

Below is a sample script for adding Azure Metrics alerts using Azure Monitor. It is possible to create alerts using the Azure Portal, but that doesn’t scale well because each alert is specific to one VM. For example, if you have 4 alerts per VM, and 10 VMs, then you have to create 40 alerts! One could say: Use Log Analytics, but there’s a cost to that, and I find the OMS Workspace to be immature. Instead, one can continue to use Resource/Azure Monitor metrics, but script the creation of the metrics alerts.

Once could use JSON, but again, there’s a scale-out issue there unless you build this into every deployment. But the advantage with PowerShell is that you can automatically vary thresholds based on the VM’s spec, as you will see below – some metric thresholds vary depending on the spec of a machine, e.g. the number of cores.

The magic cmdlet for doing this work is Add-AzureRmMetricAlertRule. And the key to making that cmdlet work is to know the name of the metric. Microsoft’s docs state that you can query for available metrics using Get-AzureRmMetricDefinition, but I found that with VMs, it only returned back the Host metrics and not the Guest metrics. I had to do some experimenting, but I found that the names of the guest metrics are predictable; they’re exactly what you see in the Azure Portal, e.g. \System\Processor Queue Length.

The below script is made up of a start and 2 functions:

  1. The start is where I specify some variables to define the VM, resource group name, and query for the location of the VM. The start can then call a series of functions, one for each metric type. In this example, I call ProcessorQLength.
  2. The ProcessorQLength function takes the VM, queries for it’s size, and then gets the number of cores assigned to that VM. We need that because the alert should be triggers if the average queue length per core is over 4, e.g. 12 for a 4 core VM. The AddMetric function is called with a configuration for the \System\Processor Queue Length alert.
  3. The AddMetric function is a generic function capable of creating any Azure metrics alert. It is configured by the parameters that are fed into it, in this case by the ProcessorQLength function.

Here’s my example:

#A generic function to create an Azure Metrics alert
function AddMetric ($FunMetricName, $FuncMetric, $FuncCondition, $FuncThreshold, $FuncWindowSize, $FuncTimeOperator, $FuncDescription)
    $VMID = (Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $VMName).Id
    Add-AzureRmMetricAlertRule -Name $FunMetricName -Location $VMLocation -ResourceGroup $RGName -TargetResourceId $VMID -MetricName $FuncMetric -Operator $FuncCondition -Threshold $FuncThreshold -WindowSize $FuncWindowSize -TimeAggregationOperator $FuncTimeOperator -Description $FuncDescription

#Create an alert for Processor Queue Length being 4x the number of cores in a VM
function ProcessorQLength ()
    $VMSize = (Get-AzureRMVM -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $VMName).HardwareProfile.VmSize
    $Cores = (Get-AzureRMVMSize -Location $VMLocation | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $VMSize}).NumberOfCores
    $QThreshold = $Cores * 4
    AddMetric "$VMname - CPU Q Length" "\System\Processor Queue Length" "GreaterThan" $QThreshold "00:05:00" "Average" "Created using PowerShell"

#The script starts here
#Specify a VM name/resource group
$VMName = "vm-test-01"
$RGName = "test"
$VMLocation = (Get-AzureRMVM -ResourceGroupName $RGName -Name $VMName).Location

#Start running functions to create alerts

Was This Post Useful?

If you found this information useful, then imagine what 2 days of training might mean to you. I’m delivering a 2-day course in Amsterdam on April 19-20, teaching newbies and experienced Azure admins about Azure Infrastructure. There’ll be lots of in-depth information, covering the foundations, best practices, troubleshooting, and advanced configurations. You can learn more here.

Optimize Hyper-V VM Placement To Match CSV Ownership

This post shares a PowerShell script to automatically live migrate clustered Hyper-V virtual machines to the host that owns the CSV that the VM is stored on. The example below should work nicely with a 2-node cluster, such as a cluster-in-a-box.

For lots of reasons, you get the best performance for VMs on a Hyper-V cluster if:

  • Host X owns CSV Y AND
  • The VMs that are stored on CSV Y are running on Host X.

This continues into WS2016, as we’ve seen by analysing the performance enhancements of ReFS for VHDX operations. In summary, the ODX-like enhancements work best when the CSV and VM placement are identical as above.

I wrote a script, with little bits taken from several places (scripting is the art of copy & paste), to analyse a cluster and then move virtual machines to the best location. The method of the script is:

  1. Move CSV ownership to what you have architected.
  2. Locate the VMs that need to move.
  3. Order that list of VMs based on RAM. I want to move the smallest VMs first in case there is memory contention.
  4. Live migrate VMs based on that ordered list.

What’s missing? Error handling 🙂

What do you need to do?

  • You need to add variables for your CSVs and hosts.
  • Modify/add lines to move CSV ownership to the required hosts.
  • Balance the deployment of your VMs across your CSVs.

Here’s the script. I doubt the code is optimal, but it works. Note that the Live Migration command (Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole) has been commented out so you can see what the script will do without it actually doing anything to your VM placement. Feel free to use, modify, etc.

#List your CSVs 
$CSV1 = "CSV1" 
$CSV2 = "CSV2"

#List your hosts 
$CSV1Node = "Host01" 
$CSV2Node = "Host02"

function ListVMs () 
    Write-Host "`n`n`n`n`n`nAnalysing the cluster $Cluster ..."

    $Cluster = Get-Cluster 
    $AllCSV = Get-ClusterSharedVolume -Cluster $Cluster | Sort-Object Name

    $VMMigrationList = @()

    ForEach ($CSV in $AllCSV) 
        $CSVVolumeInfo = $CSV | Select -Expand SharedVolumeInfo 
        $CSVPath = ($CSVVolumeInfo).FriendlyVolumeName

        $FixedCSVPath = $CSVPath -replace '\\', '\\'

        #Get the VMs where VM placement doesn't match CSV ownership
        $VMsToMove = Get-ClusterGroup | ? {($_.GroupType –eq 'VirtualMachine') -and ( $_.OwnerNode -ne $CSV.OWnernode.Name)} | Get-VM | Where-object {($_.path -match $FixedCSVPath)} 

        #Build up a list of VMs including their memory size 
        ForEach ($VM in $VMsToMove) 
            $VMRAM = (Get-VM -ComputerName $VM.ComputerName -Name $VM.Name).MemoryAssigned

            $VMMigrationList += ,@($VM.Name, $CSV.OWnernode.Name, $VMRAM) 


    #Order the VMs based on memory size, ascending 
    $VMMigrationList = $VMMigrationList | sort-object @{Expression={$_[2]}; Ascending=$true}

    Return $VMMigrationList 

function MoveVM ($TheVMs) 

    foreach ($VM in $TheVMs) 
        $VMName = $VM[0] 
        $VMDestination = $VM[1] 
        Write-Host "`nMove $VMName to $VMDestination" 
        #Move-ClusterVirtualMachineRole -Name $VMName -Node $VMDestination -MigrationType Live 



#Configure which node will own wich CSV 
Move-ClusterSharedVolume -Name $CSV1 -Node $CSV1Node | Out-Null 
Move-ClusterSharedVolume -Name $CSV2 -Node $CSV2Node | Out-Null

$SortedVMs = @{}

#Get a sorted list of VMs, ordered by assign memory 
$SortedVMs = ListVMs

#Live Migrate the VMs, so that their host is also their CSV owner 
MoveVM $SortedVMs

Possible improvements:

  • My ListVMs algorithm probably can be improved.
  • The Live Migration piece also can be improved. It only does 1 VM at a time, but you could implement parallelism using jobs.
  • Quick Migration should be used for non-running VMs. I haven’t handles that situation.
  • You could opt to use Quick Migration for low priority VMs – if that’s your policy.
  • The script could be modified to start using parameters, e.g. Analyse (not move), QuickMigrateLow, QuickMigrate (instead of Live Migrate), etc.

Microsoft News – 30 September 2015

Microsoft announced a lot of stuff at AzureCon last night so there’s lots of “launch” posts to describe the features. I also found a glut of 2012 R2 Hyper-V related KB articles & hotfixes from the last month or so.


Windows Server


Office 365


Upgrade An Azure-Hosted Service By Moving A VIP To A New Cloud Service

Last Friday I talked about how you could reserve and manipulate cloud service VIPs. In this post I’m going to show you how to “upgrade” a service by moving to a new installation of that service running in a new cloud service – this can be done by moving the VIP of the original cloud service to the new cloud service.

Have you wondered how you will upgrade your WS2012 R2 VMs to WS2016 in Azure? The answer is that you won’t. You will have to migrate services to new VMs. Here’s a way to do that migration. This process will keep the original installation running while the new service is being built. Once ready, the VIP (the public IP of the original service) is migrated to the newer cloud service. If all goes well, you remove the old cloud service. If all sucks, you migrate the VIP back to the original cloud service.

In my lab I have two cloud services:

  • OldWeb: This runs a WS2012 R2 VM with IIS
  • NewWeb2016: This runs a WS2016 VM with IIS



Let’s say I have a site called The A records for and will point to this VIP of the OldWeb cloud service; this is what allows a browser to connect to that site. If I don’t have a reserved VIP then I can create one easily enough with:

New-AzureReservedIP -ReservedIPName "WebsiteVIP" -Location "North Europe" -ServiceName "OldWeb"

This will reserve the existing IPv4 address that is used by OldWeb with the cloud service. This is a non-disruptive change that simply fixes the existing IP address with the cloud service. I can continue to browse to the website using the same VIP as when it was dynamic.



Now I can build up a new web application using the NewWeb2016 cloud service. This has zero impact on the OldWeb cloud service, running side-by-side but using a different (probably dynamic) VIP:


The A records for the domain continue to point at the reserved VIP for OldWeb, so users are still going to the old service.

And then we plan a switchover, with all of the necessary data copy/replication/synchronisation, change controls, reviews, communications, etc. How do I make the change? It’s simple; we run two cmdlets to change the reserved IP association.

The first cmdlet will remove the association of the reserved VIP from the OldWeb cloud service. This forces the old service to get a new dynamic VIP:

Remove-AzureReservedIPAssociation -ReservedIPName "WebsiteVIP" -ServiceName “OldWeb”

This cmdlet takes a few minutes to run so plan for the associated outage that will be caused. The A records for the domain continue to point at the reserved VIP, which is no longer associated with a service. If you browse to the VIP the connection will time out:


We want to avoid such a time out experience for the site’s users so we will very quickly associate the VIP with the new cloud service to minimise downtime (scripting is perfect for this!):

Set-AzureReservedIPAssociation -ReservedIPName "WebsiteVIP" -ServiceName "NewWeb2016"

The A records continue to resolve to the reserved VIP, and now the VIP is associated to the new cloud service:


If all goes well, you can decommission the old cloud service (VMs, etc), but you can leave them running for a little while as a rollback plan:

  1. Remove the VIP association from the new cloud service
  2. Set the VIP association with the old cloud service

You have to admit that, even if you are a PowerShell hater, this is a nice way to switch clients to a new version of a service.

Configuring Windows Server Containers To Use DHCP Instead Of NAT

Read on if you want to learn how to connect Windows Server containers to an external virtual switch so that you don’t use NAT, and the containers actually talk directly to the LAN via DHCP assigned addresses. You’ll also see why a DHCP enabled container fails to get and address and ends up with a 169.254.x.x APIPA IPv4 configuration.

If you use Microsoft’s setup scripts for Windows Server 2016 (WS2016) Technical Preview 3 (TPv3), the default configuration for container networking is that each VM host will have virtual switch (in the VM), connected the VM’s vNIC. The virtual switch works in NAT mode, and uses a private network range to dynamically address containers that connect to the virtual switch. This set up requires each container to have NAT rules on the VM host so that external clients can connect to the services running in the containers. That … could be messy. In some terms, it could allow for huge network scalability (with tens of thousands of possible ports per VM host) but in others, it could be a nightmare to orchestrate.

What if you wanted your containers to talk directly on the LAN. In other words: no NAT. Yes, your containers can do this, and it’s known as a DHCP configuration – your containers are stateless so it’s pointless assigning them static IP addresses; instead the containers will get their addressing from DHCP services on the LAN.

Remember that there are two scripts that we can run to set up a VM host.

  • Method 1: You download New-ContainerHost.ps1 and run it. This downloads a bunch of stuff, creates a VM host, and then runs Install-ContainerHost.ps1. By default, this will configure the VM host with NAT networking.
  • Method 2: You create your own VM, download and run Install-ContainerHost.ps1. By default, you’ll get NAT networking.

But …

Install-ContainerHost.ps1 includes the option for a flag:


If you use method 2 then you could run Install-ContainerHost in the new VM host with the -UseDHCP flag set to $true; the behaviour of the script will change. By default it creates the VM host’s virtual switch in NAT mode. But enabling this flag creates an external virtual switch.

In my lab, I like to create my VM hosts using New-ContainerHost because it’s very quick (thanks to the use of differencing disks) and automates the entire setup. But New-ContainerHost doesn’t include the option for UseDHCP. You could edit any call of Install-ContainerHost from New-ContainerHost, but I do it another way.

Instead I edit Install-ContainerHost. One small change will do the trick. Not far from the top is where the parameters are set as script variables. Look for a line that reads:


Modify this line so it reads:

$UseDHCP = $true,


Now every time I either run Install-ContainerHost or New-ContainerHost I’ll get the DHCP networking configuration instead of NATing.

So try this to create/configure a VM host, create a container, use Enter-PSSession to connect to the container, run IPConfig and … viola, you’ll have no DHCP address. Say what?

I was stumped. I tried it again. Nothing. I asked for help and by the time I got home, I got a tip from one of the folks in Redmond. It proved to be my “I’m a moron” moment of the day. If I’d thought about it, DHCP is all about broadcasts and MAC addresses. I have a single VLAN set up in the lab so broadcasts wasn’t the issue. What’s going on with MACs? A VM host has a MAC for itself. And then each container on the VM host that connects to the virtual switch has it’s own MAC address … but the network sees only one interface. Have you figured it out yet?

By default, Hyper-V has MAC spoofing disabled on every virtual NIC – a virtual NIC can only have 1 MAC address. What I needed to do was, at the host level, run the following to enable MAC spoofing on the VM host’s virtual NIC:

Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName containers3 | Set-vmNetworkAdapter -MacAddressSpoofing On

Now everything works Smile

Windows Server Containers – “Enter-PSSession : The term ‘Measure-Object’ Is Not Recognized”

If you’ve been working with Windows Server Containers in Windows Server 2016 (WS2016) Technical Preview 3 (TPv3) then you’ve probably experienced something like this:

  1. You create a new container
  2. Then start the container
  3. And try to create a PowerShell session into the container using Enter-PSSession

And then there’s lots of red on the screen:

enter-pssession : The term ‘Measure-Object’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
At line:1 char:1
+ enter-pssession -ContainerId $container.ContainerId
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Measure-Object:String) [Enter-PSSession], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


Strangely, I have not been able to recreate this with Invoke-Command, so it appears to be unique to how Enter-PSSession sets up session in the container.

So how do you solve the issue? It’s simple – you rushed from starting your container to trying to log into it. Wait a few seconds and then try again.

Why Are My Windows Server Containers Not On The Network?

I find containers are easy to create and it’s pretty simple to build a library of container images. At least, that’s what I found when I got to play with containers for the first time on a pre-build Windows Server 2016 (WS2016) Technical Preview 3 (TPv3) lab. But I started playing with containers for the first time in my own lab in the last few days and I had some issues; the thing I had never done was create a host, a VM host to be precise (a Hyper-V VM that will host many containers), by myself. In this post I’ll explain how, by default, my containers were not networked and how I fixed it. This post was written for the TPv3 release, and Microsoft might fix things in later releases, but you might find some troubleshooting info that might be of help here.

Some Theory

I guess that most people will deploy Windows Server containers in virtual machines. If you work in the Hyper-V world then you’ll use Hyper-V VMs. In this timeframe the documented process for creating a VM host is to download and run a script called New-ContainerHost.PS1. You can get that by running:

wget -uri -OutFile New-ContainerHost.ps1

You’ll get a script that you download and then you’re told by Microsoft and every other blog that copied & pasted without testing to run:

.\New-ContainerHost.ps1 –VmName <NewContainerHostVMName> -Password <NewContainerHostVMPassword>

What happens then?

  • A bunch of stuff is downloaded in a compressed file, including a 12 GB VHD called WindowsServer_en-us_TP3_Container_VHD.vhd.
  • The VHD is mounted and some files are dropped into it, including Install-ContainerHost.ps1
  • A new VM is created. The C: drive is a differencing VHD that uses the downloaded VHD as the parent
  • The VM is booted.
  • When the VM is running, Install-ContainerHost is run, and the environment is created in the VM.
  • Part of this is the creation of a virtual switch inside the VM. Here’s where things can go wrong by default.
  • The script completes and it’s time to get going.

What’s the VM switch inside a VM all about? It’s not just your regular old VM switch. It’s a NATing switch. The idea here is that containers that will run inside of the VM will operate on a private address space. The containers connect to the VM switch which provides the NATing functionality. The VM switch is connected to the vNIC in the VM. The guest OS of the VM is connected to the network via a regular old switch sharing process (a management OS vNIC in the guest OS).

What Goes Wrong?

Let’s assume that you have read some blogs that were published very quickly on the topic of containers and you’ve copied and pasted the setup of a new VM host. I tried that. Let’s see what happened … there were two issues that left me with network-disconnected containers:

Disconnected VM NIC

Almost every example I saw of New-ContainerHost fails to include 1 necessary step: specify the name of a virtual switch on the host to connect the VM to. You can do this after the fact, but I prefer to connect the VM straight away. This cmdlet adds a flag to specify which host to connect the VM to. I’ve also added a cmdlet to skip the installation of Docker.

.\New-ContainerHost.ps1 –VmName <newVMName> –Password <NewVMPassword> -SkipDocker –SwitchName <PhysicalHostSwitch>

This issue is easy enough to diagnose – your VM’s guest OS can’t get a DHCP address so you connect the VM’s vNIC to the host’s virtual switch.

New-NetNat Fails

This is the sticky issue because it deals with new stuff. New-NetNat will create:

… a Network Address Translation (NAT) object that translates an internal network address to an external network address. NAT modifies IP address and port information in packet headers.

Fab! Except it kept failing in my lab with this error:

Net-NetNat : No Matching interface was found for prefix (null).


This wrecked my head. I was about to give up on Containers when it hit me. I’d already tried building my own VM and I had downloaded and ran a script called Install-ContainerHost in a VM to enable Containers. I logged into my VM and there I found Install-ContainerHost on the root of C:. I copied it from the VM (running Server Core) to another machine with a UI and I edited it using ISE. I searched for and found a bunch of stuff for parameters. A variable called $NATSubnetPrefix was set to “”.

There was the issue. My lab’s network address is; this wasn’t going to work. I needed a different range to use behind the NATing virtual switch in the container VM host. I edited the variable to define a network address for NATing of “”:



I removed the VM switch and then re-ran Install-ContainerHost in the VM. The script ran perfectly. Let’s say the VM had an address of I logged in and created a new container (the container OS image is on the C:). I used Enter-PSRemote to log into the container and I saw the container had an IP of This was NATed via the virtual switch in the VM, which in turn is connected to the top-of-rack switch via the physical host’s virtual switch.

Sorted. At least, that was the fix for a broken new container VM host. How do I solve this long term?

I can tell you that mounting the downloaded WindowsServer_en-us_TP3_Container_VHD.vhd and editing New-ContainerHost there won’t work. Microsoft appears to download it every time into the differencing disk.

The solution is to get a copy of Install-ContainerHost.PS1 (from the VHD) and save it onto your host or an accessible network location. Then you run New-ContainerHost with the –ScriptPath to specify your own copy of Install-ContainerHost. Here’s an example where I saved my edited (the new NAT network address) copy of Install-ContainerHost on CSV1:

.\New-ContainerHost.ps1 –VmName NewContainerVM –Password P@ssw0rd -SkipDocker -SwitchName SetSwitch -ScriptPath "C:\ClusterStorage\CSV1\Install-ContainerHost.ps1"

That runs perfectly, and no hacks are required to get containers to talk on the network. I then successfully deployed IIS in a container, enabled a NATing rule, and verified that the new site was accessible on the LAN.

Microsoft News 13-August-2015

Hi folks, it’s been a while since I’ve posted but there’s a great reason for that – I got married and was away on honeymoon 🙂 We’re back and trying to get back into the normal swing of things. I was away for the Windows 10 launch, happily ignoring the world. Windows 10 in the businesses is not a big deal yet – Microsoft needs to clear up licensing and activation for businesses before they’ll deliberately touch the great new OS – I’ve already had customers say “love it, but not until we get clarification”.


Windows Server



System Center

Office 365


Microsoft News – 16 July 2015

It’s been a busy week with WPC driving announcements that affect partners.


Windows Server

Windows Client



System Center

  • Datazen Enterprise Server: Datazen Enterprise Server is a collection of web applications and Windows services. Acts as a repository for storing and sharing dashboards and KPIs.

Office 365

